Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Maturation: The Adult Paradigm (The Map) by Skipi Lundquist Smoot, PhD

Maturation: The Adult Paradigm (The Map) clarifies the vague Boundary between Adolescent and Adult Development
In the pages of this enlightening new book, Author Skipi Lundquist Smoot, PhD, reveals significant scientific evidence concerning the Adult stage of Psychological Development

“The guide provides a fresh perspective on its subject, framing a majority of Adult Emotional Distress and Anxiety to fall on the continuum of Ego & Cognitive Immaturity/Maturity vs Neurosis/Wellness. In this way, Dr. Smoot breaks from many of her contemporaries, offering a holistic approach that advocates personal exploration instead of pharmacology or fad therapies. Dr. Smoot is no stranger to mental anguish herself; this book was greatly informed by the tragic deaths of three of her sons, and she effectively weaves her own grief and confusion into the book while managing to make her advice seem personal and applicable to everyone. Dr. Smoot also skillfully and engagingly blends the spiritual and the scientific, highlighting spirituality’s therapeutic benefits in conjunction with conventional therapies.

A comprehensive, helpful guide to the troubled mind.”

We are Born with a Mission– to explore our own path. Most of us begin our Journey “dancing” with abandon to intense emotional rhythms. Only later…often in great pain, do some of us recognize the outstretched hand of Objective Reality and learn to Dance to the Music of the Universe (Laws of Cause & Effect.}.

Irvine, CA – From author Skipi Lundquist Smoot, PhD, comes a revealing definition of the Adult Developmental Stage of Psychological Maturation, which serves as the necessary “Missing Link” for development of Unique Personal Potential, comfort with emotional and personal separation, and ability to live in harmony with the Essence of both one’s “Real” self and that of significant others.

This book targets different audiences and aims to help these groups in their respective self-development needs. For Adult Readers who are searching for a resolution of psychological and relationship problems, this acts as a Self-Help book that teaches a clear, logical method for resolving conflicts, coping with stress, and making successful decisions in both personal and relationships with important others. For Mental Health Professionals, this serves as a guide to treatment of Adult Symbiotic Attachment, a model for use in Marriage And Family Psychotherapy, and a help to parents dealing with problematic older adolescents. For Colleges and Universities, this book acts as educational resources for both teaching and learning up-to-date information concerning the science of Psychology. For psychological Organizations, this reading is an insightful guide for presentations at professional meetings.

The author hopes that readers will follow The “MAP” and learn to dance to the Music of Reality, to enable them discover and to be comfortable with their “Real” self.

This book is available online and can be purchased at and

About the Author

Skipi Lundquist Smoot, PhD is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Business Consultant with Offices at 10 McLaren, Suite–D - Irvine, Ca. 92618. Dr. Smoot is the former owner-operator of 3 successful McDonald's Restaurants in California and Virginia. Dr. Smoot is shown here with Ronald McDonald and Uncle, Ray Kroc (McDonald's Founder) at the opening of her McDonald's Restaurant on Richmond Road in Williamsburg, VA (1976).

Dr. Smoot's education includes a PhD in Clinical Psychology from California School of Professional Psychology in San Diego, California, a MA in Marriage, Family, Child Clinical Services from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California and a BA in Psychology from The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA (Christopher Newport Campus). In Private Practice for over 25years, Dr. Smoot has a weekly caseload of private clients in Addition to supervising Masters and Doctoral Level interns in the areas of Psychotherapy and administration and interpretation of a specialized battery of Psychological Clinical and Vocational tests. She is listed in Who's Who in American Women and Who's Who in America.

Author Skipi Lundquist Smoot, PhD, has also released The “MAP” Workbook for use with Maturation: The Adult Paradigm to help readers examine their path closely for clues. Her upcoming books: The Murder of Blake – Will the “Real” Bad Guys please stand up, and On the Couch – A collection of Vignettes and Visualization concerning Psychotherapy.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wild Child and Good Son: A Parable for Fathers and Their Sons by Dr. Owen Fleming Jr.

Wild Child and Good Son: A Parable for Fathers and Their Sons

We all know how the loving Father accepted the Prodigal Son back into his home. But do you ever wonder what happened to the two sons after? Find out as author Billy Owen Fleming continues with the story in this sequel to the parable of the prodigal son.

Follow the generations of the family for two generations in Wild Child and Good Son: A Parable for Fathers and Their Sons.

About the Book

“My son, I love you…” And so the loving Father welcomes back his prodigal son to his home with love and a party. But does this story end here?

Looks like it doesn’t… This sequel continues Jesus’ greatest parable of the Prodigal Son.

Accompany the two sons as they grow to manhood. Each one tries and fails to be the perfect father. But out of their failure emerges hope and redemption. Together, they will learn the heartbreak and wonder of parenthood. Be inspired and learn from them…

About the Author

Dr. Billy Owen Fleming Jr. is a pastor, teacher, writer, and storyteller living in Waxhaw, North Carolina. He has published a book of poetry, Echoes of the Inner Mountains (D/N Publications, 2008), and a book on the Psalms, Mapping the Christian Life (RevPress, 2009). He has three children and two grandchildren, who were sometimes good, often wild, and always wonderful.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


An nonagenarian shares his life through literature…

His Impressions and Reflections captures his life journey through song lyrics and short stories.

Having the Time of My Life is his engaging memoir that showcases photos, letters, personal vignettes, and life lessons.


Evoking emotions from deep within himself, author Peter Chapel pens down his life journey in poetic verses in Impressions and Reflections. This collection of elegant song lyrics and short stories will take you on an intimate journey of the author’s personal life. He writes with a stunning depth of emotion and candor, unafraid to lay bare his feelings. He combines his poetic eye and ear for a tune to offer a rhapsodic collection in this book. His lyrics are highly rhythmic and evocative, yet exude a subtle simplicity of language and style. The poetry and stories are so very personal and nice – and at times humorously recalled.

His song lyrics were a consequence of being a captive in his automobile twice a month from 1978 to 1981 while driving eight hours at a stretch, mostly at night. As the words formed phrases and sentences, they fell into a rhythm and evolved into melodies that became his form of self-expression for about two years.

Writing in the first person singular seemed the easiest way to go… and so he did. Because he had no musical training, he depended on a friend to transcribe the songs from tape to lead sheet form and piano accompaniment.

From a man who has seen so much of life and has felt so deeply through the decades, comes a truly remarkable autobiography, Having the Time of My Life. Filled with raw and real emotions, many readers can easily relate to some conversations, situations, mishaps, adventures, and sentiments in this memoir. Author Peter Chapel opens himself through the pages of this book. In a conversational and personable tone, readers will find themselves brought in to the interesting times and memorable moments of the author’s past. He also tells stories and reveals about people, places, and events of America’s past. His vignettes of both his and America’s past create a history that most Americans his age can remember and understand – and which young Americans can learn from. His memoir is packed with letters, photos, and original song lyrics that exude love of family, lifelong friends, young people, adults, country and life. These mementos of the author’s past share a story about American culture after World War II, representing important lessons and lasting wisdom.

Peter Chapel was born in Manitoba, Canada, and moved to New York City at age 18. He served 4 years in the U.S. Army during World War II, with two years overseas in the Persian Gulf Transport Command. He attended UCLA under the GI bill of Rights, and since 1951 has been a resident of Santa Monica, California. Home improvement and landscaping have been his main hobbies, primarily, of necessity. He has been happily married for 40 years. He continued to drive to his Santa Cruz mountain work retreat for a weekend, and later a week, each month for 45 years. All the work in planning and labor in construction and landscaping on the seven acres of redwood jungle and a rickety little cabin was his own until the earthquake of 1989.

At this stage in his life, in the second half of his nonagenarian decade – he’s now 94 years old. He has embarked on reliving the highlights and the lows of his long life in tranquility by writing his “memoirs of an average man in our blessed land of the free, encountered and recorded, in brief, with documentation.”