Monday, March 31, 2014

Shakespeare and Sleep

Shakespeare and Sleep 

Shakespeare’s plays have always been fascinating. But do you know of something in particular that adds to their fascination? It is something that even the most avid fan of his plays may have failed to realize. And that is the subject of sleep.

Sleep or, more specifically, the way in which sleep relates to Shakespeare’s plays performs a surprisingly significant role. Through this stimulating book, author Thomas Vail discusses how Shakespeare uses sleeping characters to help move plot situations forward and explores the way in which Shakespeare utilizes certain sleep disorders to help delineate a variety of characters. In addition to addressing the subject of premonitory dreams and the unfortunate consequences that can ensue if such dreams are ignored, he seeks to discover, in spite of Shakespeare’s treatment of sleep as generally troubled, elusive, or akin to death, if there are any Shakespearean characters who actually have a good night’s sleep.
What he discovers may surprise you.

Thomas E. Vail

This multi-talented author is originally from Portland, Oregon. While attending high school, he studied oil painting with the Oregon artist Albert Patecky (1906-1994) and acting at the Portland Civic Theatre School of Drama. After graduation, he attended Portland State College and, later, the Pittsburgh Playhouse and the Art Students League.

Over the years, while exhibiting occasionally as an artist, he worked as a professional actor, a lighting consultant to architects and interior designers, and a staff member at Pace University. Currently a member of the Shakespeare Society, he retired in 2002 and devotes his time to writing, painting, and theatergoing.

A writer need not get too attached to having a great book title since it is very much possible that the publisher changes it all. Publishers may think of a title which is more marketable than what the author has given. Authors do not always put very much attention on selecting titles for the books they write. A very creative title would remain as such even after the entire printing and publishing process. A title is not everything, but it has to catch the readers’ attention at a mere glance. A great book title is one of the most important elements of a best-selling book.

Book title is one of the key ways to make good business by writing books. The author has to be very creative and considerate towards selecting a book title which will ultimately prove appealing to the publishers. This would widen the popularity of the book and the author would soon become known. A book title most of the times gives a hint or a tentative idea about what the book is about and there the readership gets designed. Most of the interest and enthusiasm in reading books gets generated by the titles only which are an easy window to the concept the books deal with.

Many people will buy a book just because the title appeals to them. An appealing title should not just be a catchy one, but it must let the people know who is the book meant for, what it is about and what the book will do for them. A title which does this all will definitely attract a huge readership. A book title is what the book is all about and a sub title is what the author promises to do for the readers. Often authors give great titles, but unfortunately they do not promise anything to the readers. Whereas a non-fiction would have an interesting title and an equally catchy subtitle as well.

A title and subtitle of a book helps the author keep his focus on the right track. After completing each chapter, the author can recheck whether he is dealing with the concept of the book in the appropriate way or not. This would be an ideal way for the author to correct himself in case he is digressing from the main theme of the book. These are the ways by which a book title helps in attracting a wide readership.

7 Authors You Should Follow on Twitter Right Now

Following a celebrity on Twitter really is a singular experience. For most of us, it’s as close as we’ll get to having a conversation with the people who inspire us. For literature enthusiasts, Twitter can be a particularly powerful tool thanks to its ability to give us an inside look into the creative process of our favorite writers.
With so many writers on Twitter, how do you know which ones are worth following? Here’s a look at some of your best choices.

1. Stephen King: @StephenKing
Is there a more famous writer than Stephen King? He’s not only known as a world-class writer of original and groundbreaking stories, but as one of the world’s foremost authorities on the writing process, making him an obvious choice, whether you’re a burgeoning writer, or simply a lover of literature.

2. Chuck Palahniuk @ChuckPalahniuk
Following Mr. Palahniuk on Twitter is a lot easier than trying to pronounce his last name. His books, such as the legendary Fight Club, have brought us some ridiculously memorable lines (“They’re like someone who quits smoking on his deathbed”). So why wouldn’t you want to get an insider’s look into his process? Best of all, Palahniuk makes a point of interacting with his fans as frequently as he can.

3. John Green: @RealJohnGreen and @SportsWithJohn
John Green has been making waves recently with his latest novel, The Fault in Our Stars. Green is especially in the spotlight now, because of the book’s upcoming film adaptation. While he’s undoubtedly a gifted and celebrated author, his Twitter followers are treated to a wide variety of musings that cover everything from computer problems and sports, to the philosophical underpinnings of his books.

4. Margaret Atwood: @MargaretAtwood
Having written a number of bold novels such as The Handmaid’s Tale and Surfacing, Atwood is a celebrated writer by any measure. Her Twitter account doesn’t aim to build an audience for her books, but instead frequently calls attention to important social and political issues, such as education reform.

5. Judy Blume: @JudyBlume
Though she may be best known as the author of a number of legendary children’s books, Judy Blume’s Twitter account is a goldmine for people of all ages. Her tweets have a tendency to cover personal events in her life, including her frequent travels, and help to shed some light on her creative process.

6. James Patterson: @JP_Books
As one of America’s most prolific authors, James Patterson boasts more than 52,000 followers. And with good reason: when fans aren’t losing themselves in his latest thriller, they can witness Patterson himself interacting with his characters via their own dedicated Twitter accounts or seemingly being kidnapped by them.

7. Neil Gaiman: @NeilHimself
While he’s an undisputed legend in the world of “genre fiction” thanks to his books (such as “American Gods”) and his comics (“Sandman”), Mr. Gaiman’s delightful personality will prove infectious even to people unfamiliar with his work. His tweets are as varied as his literary works, encompassing his personal life and random thoughts he has throughout the day.

There are plenty of other excellent writers where these seven came from, but hopefully this is a good starting point. If there’s a writer that you respect, why not follow them on Twitter and drop them a note? Who knows – they may just write back.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

93-Year-Old Writer Scores Big with His First Novel

Sherman Oaks, CA (March 6, 2014) – Against the worst odds, true love has the ability to transcend death, and leaves an indelible mark on anyone who truly loves. That’s what 93-year-old author Wendell Ware believes and shares in this love story, based on real life, making it even more compelling and heartwarming. Arise My Love and Come Away With Mealso describes the early days of aviation, which should be of interest to pilots and history buffs everywhere.

Readers will witness the love story of Wynn Cary and Doey Brooks. Set against the violent backdrop of World War II, their uniquely American journey explores the hopes, fears, passion, and call to duty that have altered the lives of young lovers since the beginning of time.

Wynn always dreamed of becoming a pilot, flying from the age of ten, and making his first solo flight as a teenager.  While studying at the University of North Carolina he meets Doey Brooks, a beautiful young woman studying law at Duke University,at a local airfield.  Their shared passion for flying becomes an inspiring love story that begins as a college romance and grows in depth and meaning as World War II becomes an ever-looming menace. As their relationship blossoms, the war stalls their plans to marry. 

Their beautiful story harks back to a kinder, gentler time when loyalty, good manners, and personal integrity were the rule rather than the exception. 

About the Author
Wendell R. Ware, born in 1918 in West Virginia, graduated from St. Petersburg College in Florida and the University of North Carolina.  He was a United States Air Force pilot, serving in the Southwest Pacific during World War II from 1943-1946.  He was Commanding Officer of the 35th Fighter Control Squadron during the atom bomb missions that led to the end of the war.  He was recalled to service in 1950 and served an additional 27 months in the Korean War. Ware was President of Micro Publication Systems, with international offices in Los Angeles, Chicago, London and Paris.

He wrote this novel at the age of 93.

Arise My Love and Come Away With Me
by Wendell R. Ware
Publication Date: June 19, 2012
Paperback: $23.95; 396 pages; ISBN978-1468586565

To request a review copy, please contact Mary Clark at by phone at (877) 207-1679 or by email at

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Questions Answered on Paper

Chilliwack, BC (March 6, 2014) – Author David Maclagan invites everyone to put their thoughts on paper with his new book, Questions. When people are presented with a blank page, it’s amazing how they can come up with something different, something unique, something creative, something compelling, and something wonderful.  And that’s what this book is all about –freeing the mind and sharing answers to the world through pen and paper.

This is a book that leaves blank pages for the reader to fill in a short story that answers the questions in the mind of the reader. There is no right or wrong answer, just what the reader’s imagination can come up with and print neatly.  Some say people will be able to look back at what they write and reflect on what they answered.

This book is available online and can be purchased at, and

About the Author
David Maclagan has been involved professionally in many forms of art and design since graduating from the Ontario College of Art in 1957. He’s had regular one-person shows in prominent Canadian galleries since 1970 and paintings in shows in Canada, England, Japan, Mexico, the U.S.A., China, and Korea. He features his paintings, studies and sketches from travels to over 56 countries .He works comfortably in 40 mediums on a broad range of subject matter from landscape or figures to mystical art. He is also an extensive researcher into perception, visual programming, visually enhanced environments, and the universal consistencies of the visual process.

byDavid Maclagan
Publication Date: June 13, 2013
Paperback: $20.99; 56 pages; ISBN 9781479774104

To request a complimentary paperback review copy, you may contact Mary Clark at by phone at (877) 207-1679 or by email at

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Preacher’s Memoir

A South African preacher’s true story of transformation from Prisoner to Messenger

Evander, South Africa (March 6, 2014) –Readers will witness author Hans Blunk’s life unfold as he recounts his memories and experiences from being a Prisoner to Messenger.  With his spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing and deliverance, he inspiringly shares testimonies of his workings in God’s power in the memoir.

This book chronicles the moment that the living God has ordained the author as an Apostle for the work in His Kingdom.  He shares how he is called to prepare the next generation for their inheritance through the churches he founded right through Africa.  This is the incredible story of how the Lord Jesus called him in the time of his imprisonment in the DRC in November 2000.

This book is available online and can be purchased at,, and

About the Author
Hans Blunk was born in 1944 in Germany as the second Son of Johannes and Helene Blunk.  In 1965 in Durban, RSA, he gave his heart to the Lord, went back to Germany in 1967 to undergo training as a preacher, started to smuggle bibles behind the Iron Curtin in the 1970s, and returned to South Africa in 1979.  He served the AFM Church in Mohlakeng, part time as a Pastor, and later also the AFM Congregation in Evander, where he is still living.  Since then, he worked fulltime for the Kingdom of God in over 22 Countries of Africa, planting Churches, teaching at bible schools, giving training in baking, milling, and uplifting the people to reach the fullness of Christ.

He married RenĂ©e in 1982 and together they have two daughters Daleen and Lydia.  Daleen is married to Hein Engelbrecht and Lydia is married to LourieOosthuizen. 

Prisoner to Messenger
byHans Blunk
Publication Date: July 22, 2013
Paperback: $8.64; 132 pages; ISBN 978-1-61856-234-0

To request a complimentary paperback review copy, you may contact Mary Clark at by phone at (877) 207-1679 or by email at

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Woman Offers Youth a Chance to Live Fully

Author shares a true story about family, the power of maternal love, and the need to help the youth for the future of the world

Ontario, Canada (March 6, 2014) –There is hope for a much better world. That’s what author Jan Amos shares in her newly published book, Just Being There. With an interesting and honest look into today’s society, this true story unveils how love, family, talent and understanding can make a whole lot of change.  Filled with some heartfelt twists and turns, it shows everyone the power of love and the reassurance that if people come into one’s life for a reason and for the good, they will stay.

A woman courageously rebuilds her life after leaving an unhealthy marriage for herself and her two older daughters.  She has spent many years helping the youth in her community.  She has had a wonderful young woman with the gift of a child keeping her busy for the last few months.  Then comes Dylan, a boy in need of a mother, who enters into her life.  She takes Dylan under her wing and starts to give him everything he needs in his life to be a successful young man. At this time, a unique and rare relationship developbetween Dylan and Jenny, a relationship similar to mother and son.  Moreover, there is a discovery of the musical genius that lies within Dylan. 

As time passes, the judgment and ridicule of society takes its toll – but in the end, it is the understanding that the most sacred mantra of parenting is:Just Being There.

This book is available online and can be purchased at,, and

About the Author
Jan Amos is a single woman in her early fifties who has been on a path of rebuilding her life for the last seven years.  During this time, she discovered her love for writing and her strong ability for insight.  She has volunteered in her community, helping the youth for the past 15 years in the school system and the court system. 

Just Being There
byJan Amos
Publication Date: September 3, 2013
Paperback: $15.75; 290 pages; ISBN978-1-61856-298-2

To request a complimentary paperback review copy, you may contact Mary Clark at by phone at (877) 207-1679 or by email at