Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How to carry out book marketing effectively to get a good result?

effective book marketing
If you want a wide range of people to buy and read your books, the details of your books should be available to those people. The readers, at the outset, have to know that a particular book is available. This is what book marketing means. It is important for every author to know how to market his books effectively.
Printed materials like postcards, bookmarks, posters and business cards are good enough to start marketing activities with. Just leaving a number of these materials at the cash register counter will increase the sale of your books significantly. These printed materials may also be used as hand outs; they can even be distributed to your friends, family and colleagues. This will increase your readership.

Printing out press releases and circulating them among the educated classes of society is, perhaps, the most constructive way to increase the target readership. Press releases are the write ups which are usually dense with information. They are sent to the media persons in order to give the latest news on an event, product or service. If it reaches a news editor or a TV newscast producer it will reach thousands of people in no time.
Once you let out a press release and the local media takes note of that, things will, obviously, turn better. As and when more people read your book, there will be higher chances of getting your work reviewed by some readers. Being a reviewed author has a visible level of prestige in the society. You will get more book reviews in the subsequent days and positive review is sure to make you a renowned figure. In other words, review is the best form of publicity.

You can also send a broadcast email to people. Since almost everyone has access to the internet these days, several people will see what you have sent within a couple of hours. Then they will quickly browse and reach your website or other book marketing sites. This increases the awareness of your book and also the traffic for your website to a remarkable extent. Another method to carry out book marketing online is to advertise your book on a personal website. By  this anyone anywhere in the world will be able to see the details about your book. This draws a huge traffic in less span of time. This is, in fact, the cheapest and most efficient way of attracting a huge audience. Do include your web address on all promotional materials and have the ordering information handy as well.

Book marketing online requires your increased web presence. In order to achieve this, a writer should have a testimonial page on his website. It is extremely useful to have a face book page too wherein your fans can post their reviews. They can post reviews on Amazon and Good reads as well. Signing up for Twitter and Google Authorship also helps an author immensely in the marketing perspective. Create an author FB page which can be used in place of your personal profile. Do give out advanced reading copies for bloggers and encourage more reading. An online book tour can be made to update the readers and yourself. An author should be quite abreast with the contemporary modes of writing and the books which are in demand. Then only he can go a long way while marketing his books.

It is highly essential for writers to develop a wide fan club. This can also be done using a FB campaign. Just as a Google campaign increases the traffic of your site, FB campaign increases your fans. You can link up with other authors and start a controversial web series. Such a move will bring energetic people together and consequently, there will be more reviews, comments and healthy discussions on the recently launched books. An online discussion forum will take shape within no time. The all pervasive impact of information and communication technology has made book marketing easier and more efficient in the present day context.
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