Monday, March 31, 2014

7 Authors You Should Follow on Twitter Right Now

Following a celebrity on Twitter really is a singular experience. For most of us, it’s as close as we’ll get to having a conversation with the people who inspire us. For literature enthusiasts, Twitter can be a particularly powerful tool thanks to its ability to give us an inside look into the creative process of our favorite writers.
With so many writers on Twitter, how do you know which ones are worth following? Here’s a look at some of your best choices.

1. Stephen King: @StephenKing
Is there a more famous writer than Stephen King? He’s not only known as a world-class writer of original and groundbreaking stories, but as one of the world’s foremost authorities on the writing process, making him an obvious choice, whether you’re a burgeoning writer, or simply a lover of literature.

2. Chuck Palahniuk @ChuckPalahniuk
Following Mr. Palahniuk on Twitter is a lot easier than trying to pronounce his last name. His books, such as the legendary Fight Club, have brought us some ridiculously memorable lines (“They’re like someone who quits smoking on his deathbed”). So why wouldn’t you want to get an insider’s look into his process? Best of all, Palahniuk makes a point of interacting with his fans as frequently as he can.

3. John Green: @RealJohnGreen and @SportsWithJohn
John Green has been making waves recently with his latest novel, The Fault in Our Stars. Green is especially in the spotlight now, because of the book’s upcoming film adaptation. While he’s undoubtedly a gifted and celebrated author, his Twitter followers are treated to a wide variety of musings that cover everything from computer problems and sports, to the philosophical underpinnings of his books.

4. Margaret Atwood: @MargaretAtwood
Having written a number of bold novels such as The Handmaid’s Tale and Surfacing, Atwood is a celebrated writer by any measure. Her Twitter account doesn’t aim to build an audience for her books, but instead frequently calls attention to important social and political issues, such as education reform.

5. Judy Blume: @JudyBlume
Though she may be best known as the author of a number of legendary children’s books, Judy Blume’s Twitter account is a goldmine for people of all ages. Her tweets have a tendency to cover personal events in her life, including her frequent travels, and help to shed some light on her creative process.

6. James Patterson: @JP_Books
As one of America’s most prolific authors, James Patterson boasts more than 52,000 followers. And with good reason: when fans aren’t losing themselves in his latest thriller, they can witness Patterson himself interacting with his characters via their own dedicated Twitter accounts or seemingly being kidnapped by them.

7. Neil Gaiman: @NeilHimself
While he’s an undisputed legend in the world of “genre fiction” thanks to his books (such as “American Gods”) and his comics (“Sandman”), Mr. Gaiman’s delightful personality will prove infectious even to people unfamiliar with his work. His tweets are as varied as his literary works, encompassing his personal life and random thoughts he has throughout the day.

There are plenty of other excellent writers where these seven came from, but hopefully this is a good starting point. If there’s a writer that you respect, why not follow them on Twitter and drop them a note? Who knows – they may just write back.

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