Monday, December 2, 2013

From Zero to Hero in Your Finances


Develop a life of true Biblical prosperity. Learn God’s way of looking at finances and how to overcome attitudes and actions that actively block His provision.

If you are in a time of need or just feel like you need a boost in your faith for finances, Dr. Richard Knapp offers this collection inspired from Isaiah 12:3, “Therefore with joy will you draw water from the wells of salvation.” Find through financial Biblical principles that scriptural salvation includes being saved from poverty to true Biblical prosperity, as is wonderfully illustrated from the scriptures and with personal experiences of the author.

Turn from zero to hero in your walk with the Heavenly Father as your provider. Renew your mind in how you think about the whole area of finances, particularly related to your relationship with the Lord. This book reminds you of truths that you will intuitively know are right, interweaves stories of how God rescued real people by doing the impossible, and allows you to pray along with the text.

Develop spiritual habits and ways of thinking so you will be blessed in your finances. Realize just how much your wonderful Father God wants to bless you, just like any good earthly father wants to bless his kids. Develop greater faith in His desire and ability to provide for His children, including you.

From Zero To Hero In Your Finances

From Zero to Hero in Your FinancesFrom Zero To Hero In Your Finances is intended to help you grapple with spiritual principles relating to financial blessing. It is designed for people who are in a time of need, or just feel they need a boost in their faith for finances. Author Richard Knapp, M.D. designed this collection after being inspired by Isaiah 12:3 “Therefore with joy will you draw water from the wells of salvation.” Scriptural salvation includes being saved from poverty to true biblical prosperity. Financial Biblical principles are wonderfully illustrated with personal experiences of the author, and scriptures, to help you in digging your well of salvation in the area of faith for finances. Other topics will undoubtedly convict you of your need to apply biblical financial principles. Interspersed are testimonies of fellow travelers to build your faith for finances. You will go from zero to hero in your walk with your heavenly Father as provider.

From Zero to Hero In Your Finances is specifically designed to help you dig that well of salvation in the area of God’s provision. Abraham dug wells, but the by the time Isaac came along, the Philistines had poured dirt in the wells. Isaac had to re-dig the wells of his father. Even so we have to dig or re-dig those wells. Digging takes some work and perseverance but the rewards are tremendous. You will renew your mind in how you think about the whole area of finances, particularly related to your relationship with the Lord.

How can a book help you dig the well of provision? First it reminds you of truths you will intuitively know are right. It paints a Kingdom perspective-His Kingdom. Then it interweaves stories of how God rescued real people, doing the impossible. You will pray along with the text. There’s nothing like talking directly to the Lord to actually get to one’s heart. Finally, you’ll read short scriptures that “flesh out” the truths and help to renew your mind.

Here’s an excerpt of a prayer: Lord, I believe that You are both able and willing to provide for me. You are my source of provision, not my job or the people in my life. . . I repent for the times when I have put my faith and trust in other sources of help instead of in You. Thank you for revealing my idolatry of trusting in work or savings or other people before You. You are the God who provided for Your people in the desert with manna, meat, water, shade in the day, and fire by night. You are well able to meet my needs. . . I want to seek Your Kingdom first, and I believe that as I do, You will provide the things I need. I ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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