Monday, July 29, 2013

Finding My Invincible Summer A Book by Muriel Vasconcellos


 Finding My Invincible Summer

Muriel Vasconcellos shares how terribly sad news can eventually become positive and inspiring in her touching memoir, Finding My Invincible Summer.

Witness how her prognosis of six months to live becomes catalyst for discovering the secrets of being truly, joyfully alive.

She recounts her tumultuous life that included tragedy, betrayal, and corrosive guilt, and her finding love and happiness, only to be stricken with breast cancer. She thought she won that battle, but life takes another challenging turn with the wrenching loss of her soul mate and, soon afterwards, another cancer diagnosis.

Unremitting pain, physical and psychological, sends her to the depth of despair. Rather than giving up, she embarks on a courageous quest for health that includes not only her body, but also her psyche and spirit. Follow her as she discovers that all aspects of her being are woven into one tapestry. Feel the soothing calmness, joy and serenity that abide in the deep recesses of her soul as you join her in Finding My Invincible Summer.

Please visit for more information.
You can purchase a copy of Finding My Invincible Summer from these online bookstores:

I Have Proof of a Higher Power: My Prophetic Dreams Predicting Real Events

Ioan Dirina

Do they really mean anything?

Yes, they are prophetic… And author Ioan Dirina shares his prophetic – paranormal – dreams that predict real events in the near future to offer proof of a higher power which can only know that future.

Unravel the visionary dreams that actually materialized a day later as you follow him from his school years in his native country of Romania a half century ago to the present.

The author’s dreams had already been coming true for more than a year before he realized that they were a permanent part of his consciousness, at which point he started recording them. Accompany him from Romania and Austria to the United States and the Caribbean, and see how the similarities between his dreams and his life are truly fascinating.

I Have Proof of a Higher Power: My Prophetic Dreams Predicting Real Events

The phenomena described in this book have no scientific explanation in accordance with natural laws discovered by Physics. Therefore, these dreams can only be explained as proof of existence of a supernatural entity – one that may know the future. This shows how science can bring to the conclusion that a supreme rationality really exists.

The next time you dream… know that it’s your future unfolding.

Please take a glimpse at a few free excerpts from my rare spiritual book at, some of which are devoted to public policy matters, meant to warn readers that our country is being invaded, and this time the enemy is already inside the gate.

In a few decades, our America will be gone forever. In its place will arise a country unrecognizable to our parents. This is the trust also of Pat Buchanan’s book “Suicide of a Superpower”. America was born a Western Christian republic, writes Buchanan, but is being transformed into a multiracial, multicultural, multilingual, multiethnic stew of a nation that has no successful precedent in the history of the world.

You can purchase a copy of I Have Proof of a Higher Power from these online bookstores: Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

or Order it at 1-800-699-6397 or and wake up before is too late!

Get Your Book Self-Published [Infographic]

Getting your book a name in self-publishing industry is your smartest decision to profit from your book in short time. You’ve got to retain all that revenues while keeping the pace in book publishing’s high competition.

Benefits of self-publishing

First, you’ve got the control of everything: from the costs, to whom you are partnering with for a high level of publication, up to the kinds of marketing platforms for the marketing of your books. Second, you keep 100% of the gross profit from book sales compared to percentages acquired when you do the traditional way of publishing. Further, you’ve got that online shelf for your book forever. Yes; unlike the traditional way in publishing a book, going to self publishing means your book is published online and so long as you want it; it stays there forever rather than be taken out of the shelf after four months the way traditional publishing would go.

It does not stop there. Self-publishing would enable you to get hold of a global distribution of your e-book on day one. For instance, your book can be listed in 100 countries and that is how the business of Kindle Direct Publishing goes. In addition, you can obtain more profits when your book can get attention from international publishers, because you are not sharing any revenues with any traditional publisher. You can also go all the way and sell your books in huge organizations unlike the limited ways of traditional publishers who can only sell your book only to re-sellers.
What’s most important of them all? You’ve got no boss to follow—because you do things by yourself and grab options offered by publishing companies…by yourself.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Choosing the Right Publisher: The Weighing Scale

In real world of self-publishing industry, authors do not have the luxury of picking more than one book publishing and marketing service so that publishing their books can be perfect. Yet, depending on the kind of the quality of services that can furnish their books, authors do take risk as well—just to get that name dreamed by every aspiring writer.

So, where do you start in that weighing scale to single out the right publisher?

Quality of service

Everything starts with the quality of the service and ends with the quality of service: any other bits and pieces in between are just the seasoning of it. So, before jumping to which publisher might offer the best services for your books, consider first whether that certain publisher’s tactics in making a publicity campaign, the kind of marketing support, the quantity of physical distribution of marketing campaign materials, and the pricing strategy it implements. Compare all these features with the other publishers and surely at the end of the day, it will help you decide whether you will be getting good value in the deal.

Do research about the publishers that are on your list of preference. Most of their book publishing and marketing services are comparable based on the quality, popularity and prices—and they are all found online. Bookwhirl publisher’s Full Color book publishing service for instance starts at $699 while the Refresh publishing package at Author Solutions starts at $999.

Define your target audience

When you have time and money to invest, it is always safe to assume your enthusiasm about your self-publishing is on the highest level. And, when you’ve got that high level of fervor to self-publish your book, then you know your direction or at least, you know what you really want for your book. Your goals for your books will always be based on what kind of genre you have for your book. For instance, when you have children’s book, you should target children to be your right audience. So get those finest services from that publisher who can help you furnish your book the best way that it should appeal to child readers.

Most publishing companies have specific book publishing and marketing service designed for each genre of a book. Let’s take a look at’s new launched Ingram Catalogs service. The company has specific catalog service for children’s books and these can be distributed to 10,700 booksellers, librarians, and international accounts.

Meanwhile, Smith Publicity has also a specific marketing and publicity campaign for children’s books. The company enables the campaign to work out using media (magazines, and newspapers), broadcast, and the Internet.

Consider the publisher’s track record in the business

Like any other company, every publisher has its own highs and lows. No matter how excellent and great the services seem to most of the authors based on their experiences working with the company, there are really some who do not see any satisfaction with the service. They start to post bad reviews online and worse, some who have not even tried to experience the service for real, do also criticize the company.

In some point, some online criticism, especially when reviews are coming from those who have personal experience with the company, do help authors to decide which company is really reliable and not. It is just important to take note whether the person posting reviews online has really experienced the service by himself so as to turn your researching time and energy worthwhile.

There are publishers who have been in the business for quite a long time and that makes them worth to be called established firms. Yet, there are also some firms who are just starting the business but are really fast-growing industries, by which they are reaching the level of those established ones and giving the same level of service quality that established companies have been offering ever since self-publishing world evolved.

At the end of the day, the verdict is all yours. What matters most is that you are right there and ready to get published. Research more and opt for the right publisher for the kind of book you have on hand.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Book Publishing and Marketing Services: Which one is Your Pick?

Self-published authors are now turning a glimpse of different publishing and marketing services provided by different publishers around the world. For some, self-publishing doesn’t work on their ways because they lack to strike it toughly. Yet, self-publishing has proven to be strategically smart decision for most authors nowadays, especially with those who are eagerly responding to its every vital plunge.

Self-publishing companies on competition

The evolution of self-published authors gives havoc among publishers and book agents trying to find ways so as to respond to their every book publishing and marketing need. Publishing companies are on high competition of offering fast and inexpensive ways to get authors’ books off their computer screens into their readers’ hands.

Through effective publishing and marketing tools, huge publishing companies like Bookwhirl, Outskirts press,, and Author Solutions (ASI) have always topped on self-published authors’ list of which they can choose which one to partner with in the process.

Similar book services differ in some angles

While all of these publishing companies have offered authors almost the same publishing and marketing services, the latter can still be comparable in some stances.

Prior to self-publishing a book, an author can have all the options of furnishing it from text editing to designs from all these companies offering such services. Professional copyediting and design services are offered by all publishers for a set price.

Copyediting services

Outskirts Press offers high-quality copyediting services for books by which price depends on manuscripts’ length. While the company requires a payment deposit that varies the length of the manuscript, the completion of the service usually takes four weeks in general. Under the Ala Carte Services of BookWhirl is the publisher’s copyediting service which sets specific price range for specific length of words starting at $0.0069 for 120,001 words, up to $0.0089 for 10,000-60,000 words.

Author Solutions (ASI) on the other hand, charges $0.022 per word on its copyediting service and requires a 5,000-word minimum to begin with two-three weeks timeframe. Like ASI, charges $0.023 per word and requires the same minimum number of words before the service can be started.

Usually, the game for the said service in all these companies revolves around “per length of word” approach. Now, let’s proceed how these companies differ in the real world of publishing.

Publishing services

Publishing packages make a distinction with their features from one publisher to another. Bookwhirl has two general classifications of its publishing packages: Black & White and the Full Color; by which each has sub categories. There is specific publishing package that suits every book theme such as Dreamer, Adventurer, Sensation, and more. Publishing package service for the company starts at $699. Meanwhile, Outskirts Press has “one-click” classifications for their publishing packages: One-click publishing for fiction, for coaches and speakers, and for children’s books. Whatever the price set for each publishing package; the publisher requires $35 for down payment before they can start using the service.

Book publishing services of Author Solutions Inc. have been varied through its partnership with other different publishers like Iuniverse, Trafford, and Xlibris. With Iuniverse for instance, book publishing packages’ rates start at $899 with the basic book publishing features including but are not limited to book stubs, copyright registration and digital formatting. The company’s Book Launch Premier Pro package, which costs $ 4,449, has the most comprehensive features like book signing kit, and promotional materials.

Concurrently, Lulu has set its publishing packages separately for e-books, and photo books. The publisher has classic/classic color, debut/inspired color, and blitz/artful color publishing packages by which price rates start at $999. Through the $3,999-artful publishing package, features included on top of the basics are five paperback copies and a free hardcover copy for free, author website, eligibility for Lulu social promotion, and more promotional materials.

Book marketing services

Outskirts Press has four main book marketing packages: Book Blast, Global Book Tour, Promotional Materials, and the Elite e-book Package. While the company assures 25% on five popular marketing services for book blast, it also offers one discounted book for four books set for global events. The publisher’s 2000 promotional items include bookmarks and postcards while for the elite package, books can be featured at Amazon kindle, B&N Nook, and Apple iPad ebook editions with 25% discount on the set $829 set amount for the service.

On the other hand, book marketing services of Bookwhirl includes Newswire service, Web Design, Email Advertisement Campaign, and Specialty Marketing. The Newswire Service features a 400-word press release article that will be sent to over 17,500 media outlets all over United States. Moreover, Web Design service is initiated in a way to be SEO friendly while authors can freely write any articles and stories to its blog page included on the design.

While publisher’s EAC program is considered to be a distinctive technique to reach a massive audience through electronic mail ads, Bookwhirl’s Specialty Marketing service includes the features like Book Exhibit Service, Radio Interview report, book trailer and more.

Like, ASI has similar features in its book marketing campaigns such as press releases, traditional publicists, and review services under its Publicity package. The publisher has also other marketing service packages such as Online, Multimedia, and Events. Social Media Setup and web design services are under their online package; whereas the publisher’s Multimedia package features its marketing kits, print advertising, and author videos and book trailers. ASI also caters book fairs and book signings though its Events package.

Lastly, Lulu publishing categorizes its book marketing services into main packages such as Publicity service, Book fairs, and Promotional services. The publisher’s Publicity Service package includes features such as newsmaker publicity campaign, online newsmaker publicity campaign, video newsmaker, and social publicist. Under the publisher’s Book Fairs package, books have the chance to be featured in book exhibits whether regional, national, or international events. In addition, its Promotional Services package let authors benefit the service’ features including the creation of an author’s website, business cards, and bookselling promotional materials.

Book and self mastery

No matter what service and which publisher has the various range of services, authors will always have the last say which company to choose and what service that best fits their books. Publishers and publishing companies might have the same range of services but they always differ in prices and online connections which always matter to authors in weighing and making their best preference. More importantly, authors weigh these services from different publishers based on their specific knowledge about themselves as authors and knowledge on what their books are all about.