“It is important to know how our ancestors thought. We will be able to understand our future only if we understand our past first.” Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men – Maya Nation ..”.and the people of all colours join to bind what was broken and live in hope.” (Waitaha Elder) “It is time to blend and sing a united chorus.” (Waitaha Elder) These quotes remind us of the powerful connections between the ancient and modern people. They remind us of similarities between cultures around the globe. Join me and explore the relationship between the 10,000 year old Kennewick man of mainland America, the 17,000 year old pottery ruins of Chile and their association with the Jomon of Asia and modern Ainu of Japan. Ponder the mysterious link of Africa, Mesoamerica and Europe. Hear the recent messages from the Elders of Kogi, Hopi and Maya nations. “With all things and in all things, we are relatives.” (Lakota Chief)
About the author:
Gayle Redfern’s interest in spirituality has been life-long. This led to her degrees in psychology and holistic health. As a psychic, lecturer, motivational speaker and author of three books, Inner Bridges, Ayurveda Demystified and Within & Beyond, she introduces us to the value of ancient knowledge as a means of bringing peace and harmony into our lives. Many cultures learned these values millennia ago. Today, she shares the significance of applying ancient beliefs and laws to modern society. When individuals apply our ancient’s beliefs to daily living, they bring their body, mind and spirit into balance. Each individual balance then transfers over to the entire community. As she continually explores various societies, she sees how some cultures achieve this communal harmony while other groups lose the peace. Through her fourth book, she reacquaints us with the world’s ancient teachings.